Castle Falkenstein - RetroPunk
Basic book’s new edition , supplements and rewards for Castle Falkenstein.
Castle Falkenstein’s first edition was released in USA in 1994. Back then it was an RPG with an innovative proposal for the game, awarding it with many prizes. For this reprint a complete redesign was made while keeping the spirit of the original project. The graphic project is exclusive for the Brazilian edition published by Editora RetroPunk.
Cover and Letterings from the first editions.

Brand redesign

Sketch made from the original logo type (Raphael Sdt)

Clean vectorization without effects

Brand after applying effects and adornment
Basic Book, Comme Il Faut and glove <3

Glove for Basic Book and Comme Il Faut. Extended reward met thought crowdfunding.

New Europe's Map, printed on fabric.

Dropcaps composed specially for this project, using the type Australis Pro (by Latinotype) as base;

Some comparative pages from the old and new projects.

Black and white pages have the function to further explain rules. These pages were the ones to be changed the most, differing from the original project in order to support a more flexible layout and improved the visibility of charts and tables.

Opening pages received a new design with a more elaborated typography. Some comparative pages from the old and new projects.

Luck and Magic Deck.
Different from others RPGs that use dice, Castle Falkenstein uses a Deck of cards, and for this edition Estúdio Chaleira created an exclusive and unique Deck. Illustration by Fabrício Peçanha.

Supplement - Comme Il Faut

Some pages from the new Comme Il Faut.

Supplement - Livro dos Sigilos

Some pages from the new Livro dos Sigilos.

And it doesn't end here! Given the crowdfunding's great success, all extend rewards were reached and supplements are still being published.